Contact information of processors, suppliers, specialists, importers, exporters, traders, agents, buyers, wholesalers, companies, manufacturers, fisheries, brands and distributors of (IQF – Individually Quick Frozen and Block Frozen), MSC Certified, B2B, Frozen Fish and Frozen Seafood Products in Denmark.
Supply of the following frozen fish, seawater fish, freshwater fish, shellfish (molluscs, crustaceans), cephalopods, roe and seafood: Alfonsino, African Red Snapper, Alaska Pollock, American Plaice, Arctic Char, Argentina Hake, Atlantic Bonito, Atlantic Bumper, Atlantic Catfish, Atlantic Cod, Atlantic Herring, Atlantic Haddock, Atlantic Horse Mackerel, Atlantic Mackerel, Atlantic Pomfret, Atlantic Salmon, Axillary Seabream, Baltic Herring, Baltic Sprat, Barracuda, Bastard Grunt, Bastard Halibut, Bastard Sole, Bearded Brotula, Benguela Hake, Bigeye Grunt, Black Seabream, Blackbelly Rosefish, Blue Jack Mackerel, Blue Ling, Blue Mackerel, Blue Whiting, Bluespotted Sea Bass, Bluespotted Seabream, Boarfish, Bobo Croaker, Bogue, Bonito, Brown Meagre, Brown Ray, Canary Drum, Capelin, Cassava Croaker, Chub Mackerel, Chilean Jack Mackerel, Cod, Common Dentex, Common Sea Bream, Common Two-banded Seabream, Croaker, Dab, Deepsea Redfish, European Hake, European Sprat, Flathead Grey Mullet, Frigate Tuna, Gilt-head Bream, Golden Grey Mullet, Golden Redfish, Goldblotch Grouper, Greater Weever, Greenland Halibut, Grouper, Guinean Parrotfish, Haddock, Herring, Horse Mackerel, Jack Mackerel, John Dory, Large-eye Dentex, Largehead Hairtail, Leaping African Mullet, Leerfish, Lemon Sole, Lesser African Threadfin, Ling, Lumpfish, Mackerel, Madeiran Sardinella, Meagre, Megrim, Morocco Dentex, Mottled Grouper, North Pacific Hake, Northern Red Snapper, Olive Flounder, Pacific Chub Mackerel, Pacific Cod, Pacific Sardine, Pangasius, Parrot Grunt, Peruvian Moonfish, Pigsnout Grunt, Pike Perch, Piper Gurnard, Plaice, Prawn, Redfish, Red Mullet, Red Pandora, Red Porgy, Red Scorpionfish, Red Seabream, Redbanded Seabream, Ribbonfish, Round Sardinella, Royal Treadfin, Rubberlip Grunt, Saithe, Salmon, Sand Eel, Sand Steenbras, Sardines, Scalebreast Gurnard, Sea Trout, Senegalese Hake, Senegalese Sole, Sharpsnout Seabream, Shi Drum, Silver Scabbardfish, Silver Smelt, Silvery John Dory, Skipjack Tuna / Striped Bonito, Slender Rockfish, Snook, Sompat Grunt, Southern Blue Whiting, Southern Hake, Spanish Mackerel, Spotted Seabass, Spotted Sea Catfish, Sprat, Striped Weakfish, Thickback Sole, Thinlip Grey Mullet, Tilapia, Tongue Sole, Tub Gurnard, Tusk, Wedge Sole, West African Goatfish, West African Stargazer, White Croaker, White Grouper, White Seabream, White Skate, White Trevally, Whitespotted Stargazer, Yellow Croaker, Yellowfin Tuna, Zebra Seabream, Zebra Tilefish | Crustaceans: | Antarctic Krill, Blue Swimmer Crab, Coldwater shrimp, Scampi, Langoustine, Argentine Red Shrimp, Slipper Lobster, Spiny Lobster | Cephalopods: | Argentine Shortfin Squid, Bird Squid, Common Squid, Cuttlefish, European Squid, Flying Squid, Octopus | Molluscs: | Scallops
Alimex Seafood A/S
Overview: IQF Frozen Fish and Seafood. Fish processing. With more than 20 years experience, Alimex Seafood A/S is your leading processor of frozen seafood. Our core competence is the primary processing of whitefish, combined with the resource of partnerships with some of the best catching vessels in both Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. We offer a wide variety of frozen fish and seafood from North Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
Company Details and Contact Information
> Alimex Seafood A/S, Strevelinsvej 10, 7000 Fredericia
Kangamiut Seafood A/S
Overview: IQF Frozen Fish and Seafood. The company offers a wide variety of globally sourced frozen fish and seafood. Kangamiut Seafood A/S is a privately owned company founded in 1975 by Niels Vinther Rasmussen and Jørgen Urne, with the purpose of trading frozen fish and shellfish from Greenland and other North Atlantic Waters.
Company Details and Contact Information
> Kangamiut Seafood A/S, Nordre Ringgade 5, 9330 Dronninglund
Marz Seafood A/S
Overview: IQF Frozen Fish and Seafood. Marz Seafood, established in 2003, is an Icelandic, family-owned seafood company with three generations of roots in the Icelandic fishing industry. Our head office is in Stykkishólmur, in Western Iceland’s Snæfellsnes Peninsula, and we also have an office in Aalborg, Denmark.
Company Details and Contact Information
> Marz Seafood, Vardevej 1, 9220 Aalborg
New Sea ApS
Overview: IQF Frozen Fish and Seafood. New Sea ApS is a wholesale company which specializes in supply and distribution of a great range of frozen fish products. From our Danish head office and through our partners in West Africa, South America, Europe and far East we export and import large quantities of frozen fish products.
Company Details and Contact Information
> New Sea ApS, Sdr. Havnevej 24, 9970 Strandby
Prime Ocean A / S
Overview: IQF Frozen Fish and Seafood. Prime Ocean is based in Skagen at the top of Denmark. We offer both fresh and frozen fish and are specialized in salmon, cod and saithe. Within these three species, we offer a wide selection of cuttings as well as whole fish for industrial, wholesale and retail use.
Company Details and Contact Information
> Prime Ocean A / S, Røgerivej 2, 9990 Skagen
Heincorp IVS
Overview: Frozen Fish. Our main product is cod fished in the Faroe Islands. We mainly fillet the cod and package it, but can be whole if requested.
Company Details and Contact Information
> Heincorp IVS, Bispebjerg Parkallé 22, 2400 København