Frozen Pacific Ladyfish Processors Suppliers Manufacturers

Frozen Pacific Ladyfish Processors Suppliers Manufacturers

Contact information of Frozen Pacific Ladyfish suppliers Worldwide. B2B Worldwide frozen fish & seafood suppliers, processors, manufacturers, specialists, brands, companies, packers, fisheries, sales agencies, importers, exporters, foodservice, retail, buyers, sellers, traders, wholesalers and distributors of IQF Individually Quick Frozen Pacific Ladyfish Products.

Supply and production around the world of frozen Pacific Ladyfish products, snap frozen, land-frozen, sea-frozen, wild, MSC certified, game fish, farmed, block frozen, whole, raw, skinless, skin on, boneless, descaled, packaged, portions, tails, loins, dried, blocks, cubes, fillets, cakes, medallions, headed, gilled, gutted, scaled, salted, smoked, fingers, nuggets, battered, breaded and steaks. After catching, the Pacific Ladyfish is individually frozen within a few hours to maintain the highest quality and to preserve all the natural flavours and nutrition. The Pacific Ladyfish is rapidly frozen, at sea or on land, at very low temperatures to prevent the formation of ice crystals. Benefits: longer shelf life, vitamins, minerals, colour, flavour, form, taste, aroma, structure and texture remain intact after defrosting. Ready for further processing into soups, prepared meals, or specialty items.

Logo Ticasa PerfitTicasa B.V.

Overview: IQF Frozen Fish & Seafood Wholesaler. Ticasa B.V. has a wide Assortment of Frozen, Dried, Salted & Smoked Exotic Fish & Food that we sell under our PERFIT brand to our customers all over Europe. Your Worldwide Partner in Frozen Exotic Fish & Food Products.

Company Details and Contact Information
> Ticasa B.V., Delta-Industrieweg 17, 3251 LX Stellendam