IQF Frozen Blackcurrant Suppliers New Zealand
Contact information of IQF Frozen Blackcurrant suppliers in New Zealand. B2B New Zealand frozen fruit manufacturers, processors, growers, specialists, brands, packers, importers, exporters, foodservice, retail, traders, wholesalers and distributors of IQF Frozen Blackcurrant Products.
Production in New Zealand of IQF Individually Quick Frozen Blackcurrants, organic, non-organic, natural, field fresh, cultivated, snap frozen, whole, packaged, bits & pieces, tidbits, crumbles, mixes, chunks, diced, halves, purees and preparations. After harvesting, frozen within a few hours to preserve all the natural flavours and nutrition. Longer shelf life. Vitamins, minerals, colour, flavour, form, taste, structure and texture remain intact after defrosting.
ViBERi NZ Ltd.
Overview: Frozen Fruit Supplier. Viberi New Zealand grows their own crop of certified organic blackcurrants and red currants from which they produce a range of frozen and ambient ingredients and retail skus. Get in touch for IQF frozen organic blackcurrants and red currants from the famous South Island growing regions.
Company Details and Contact Information
> ViBERi NZ Ltd., 6 Butlers Road, Pleasant Point 7974