IQF Frozen Carrot Suppliers Processors Manufacturers

IQF Frozen Carrot Suppliers Processors Manufacturers

On this page you’ll find a list and contact information of frozen vegetable manufacturers, processors, specialists, importers, traders, wholesalers and distributors of IQF Frozen Carrot Products Worldwide.

Production of IQF Individually Quick Frozen Carrot products, bits & pieces, tidbits, balls, mixes, chunks, diced, halves, organic, sliced, preparations, purees and juice concentrates.

Logo ArdoArdo

Overview: production of frozen fruit, vegetables, pasta and rice. Ardo presents a range of freshly harvested and perfectly frozen vegetables from the richest soils.

Frozen vegetable product range: Artichoke, Baby Carrots, Bean Sprouts, Black Olive, Broad Beans, Broccoli, Brussels Sprout, Cauliflower, Spinach, Corn, Courgette, Cucumber, Kale, Salsify, Celery, Green Beans, Leek, Romano Beans, Wax Beans, Eggplant, Beetroot, Butternut Squash, Celeriac, Onion, Peppers (Yellow, Red, Green), Tomato, Turnip/Swede, Zucchini, Endive, Fennel, Flageolet Beans, Garden Pea, Green Asparagus, Green Olive, Kohlrabi, Marrow Pea, Okra, Pak Choi, Parsley, Parsnip, Peapods, Cabbage, Red Cabbage, Red Onion, Romanesco, Savoy Cabbage, Sugar Snap Peas, Soy Beans, Swiss Chard, Watercress, White Asparagus and White Cabbage.

Ardo Ardooie
Wezestraat 61
8850 Ardooie

Tel.: +32(0)51 310621
Fax: +32(0)51 305997


Logo BS Foods bvBS Foods BV

Overview: trades IQF fruit and vegetables. BS Foods delivers IQF vegetables, fruits, herbs, and mushrooms from a large number of countries. BS Foods delivers the following frozen vegetables: Asparagus, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Burdock, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chilli, Chive, Corn, Baby Corn, Courgette, Cowpea, Cucumber, Drumstick, Edamame Pods, Eggplant, Elderflower, Fennel, Garlic, Horseradish, Ivy Gourd, Kaki, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leek, Lemon Grass, Lotus Root, Okra, Olives, Onion, Shallots, Spring Onion, Pakchoi, Parsley, Parsnip, Peas, Chickpeas, Pea Pods, Sugar Snap Peas, Snow Peas, Yellow Pepper, Flamed Pepper, Green Pepper, Jalapeno; Red Pepper, White Pepper, Yellow Pepper, Pumpkin, Quinoa, Radish, Daikon, Romanesco Broccoli, Spinach, Taro, Tomato; Cherry Tomato, Water Chestnuts and Winter Melon / WaxGourd.

Teersmortelweg 16
6602 BM Wijchen
The Netherlands

Tel.: (+31)485 540 706
Fax: (+31)485 471 127


Logo DMH Ingredients IncDMH Ingredients, Inc.

Overview: IQF frozen fruit and vegetables. DMH Ingredients, Inc., founded in 1991, provides quality frozen products at competitive prices. DMH Ingredients, Inc. is an importer and distributor of ingredients into the food and beverage industries and offer an expansive list of ingredients that is continually growing. Quality ingredients are sourced throughout Asia, South America, Europe and North America.

Company details and contact information
> DMH Ingredients, Inc., HQ, Libertyville, Illinois