IQF Frozen Elderberry Suppliers Sweden
Contact information of IQF Frozen Elderberry suppliers in Sweden. B2B Swedish frozen fruit manufacturers, processors, growers, specialists, brands, packers, importers, exporters, foodservice, retail, traders, wholesalers and distributors of IQF Frozen Elderberry Products.
Production in Sweden of IQF Individually Quick Frozen Elderberries, organic, non-organic, natural, field fresh, cultivated, snap frozen, whole, packaged, bits & pieces, tidbits, crumbles, mixes, chunks, diced, halves, purees and preparations. After harvesting, frozen within a few hours to preserve all the natural flavours and nutrition. Longer shelf life. Vitamins, minerals, colour, flavour, form, taste, structure and texture remain intact after defrosting.
Overview: IQF fruit supplier. Olle Svensson AB is a leading wholesaler of wild berries in Sweden, and supply customers as well as partners all over the world. Olle Svensson AB offers first class IQF berries all year round, wild and cultivated, conventional and organic. Origin and full traceability is always presented.
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