Íslenska Umboðssalan, Krókháls 5F, 110 Reykjavik, Iceland
About Íslenska
IQF Frozen Fish and Seafood. The Icelandic Sales Agency specializes in the International Sale And Distribution of frozen, salted and dried Icelandic seafood products. The company was founded in 1970. Its founder, Bjarni V. Magnússon, had as his main objective the improvement of tertiary services to the Icelandic fisheries and fish processing industries. Export and sales of seafood products and the importation of industry related machinery came to be the two main operations of the newly founded company.
The Icelandic Sales Agency specializes in international sales and distribution of Iceland seafood products. The company’s two major aims include: Ensure that producers obtain excellent services and are guaranteed fair prices for their products at all times. Ensure that purchasers obtain excellent services and guarantee steady supply and availability of seafood products.
In order to combine these two objectives, we commit ourselves to provide reliable and up-to-date information on market developments at all times. To ensure that transport costs and sales commissions are at a minimum. To build and maintain personal links with all our customers, thus creating trustworthy business relationships between producers and purchasers.
Íslenska Products:
• IQF Frozen Fish (American Plaice, Arctic Char, Blue ling, Capelin, Catfish, Cod, Dab, Great Silver Smelt, Greenland Halibut, Haddock, Halibut, Herring, Lemon Sole, Ling, Megrim, Monkfish, Plaice, Redfish, Ocean Perch, Saithe, Pollock, Skate, Spotted Catfish, Tusk, Whiting, Witch)
• IQF Frozen Seafood (Lobster, Scampi, Scallop, Shrimp / Prawn)
Krókháls 5F, 110 Reykjavik,
Telephone: +354-590-1900
Fax: +354-590-1990
Website: www.isa.is