JEAR Logistics LLC, Wando Park Blvd, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464, USA

JEAR Logistics LLC, Wando Park Blvd, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464, USA

About JEAR Logistics

Temperature-controlled transport. Specialized in frozen food transportation throughout the continental United States and Canada. At JEAR, service is their mission. Customers never have to worry about where their freight is with multiple daily location updates. In 2007, JEAR Logistics made a commitment to exceed expectations by developing strong, long-lasting relationships with customers and carriers alike. Our customers rely on us to pick-up and deliver their products on time, transporting them safely with integrity. Our carriers depend on us to offer quality loads in their desired locations at a competitive price.

JEAR Logistics services:

• Temperature-controlled transport


498 Wando Park Blvd, Suite 1000
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464,
United States

Telephone: +1 843 972 6996
