Refrigerated Transport Companies Czech Republic
Contact information of the frozen food distributors and temperature controlled transport companies. The trucking companies below are based or have offices in the Czech Republic and provide refrigerated transport services, frozen food transport throughout Czechia and/or Europe. All companies transport temperature controlled goods and are specialized in frozen food products transportation, distribution and cold logistics. Transport of frozen goods, IQF frozen fruit, frozen fish, frozen desserts, ice cream, frozen potato products, frozen fries, frozen vegetables, frozen herbs, frozen meat products, frozen pastry products, frozen meals and snacks.
Overview: Refrigerated transport company. Transport of food in the temperature regime of -20C to + 25C, especially meat and vegetables. Our team of regularly trained and educated drivers with long-term experience ensures that the correct transport procedure is observed in terms of safety and hygiene standards in the case of food.
Company Details and Contact Information
> BRETH TRANS s.r.o., Jeremiášova 947/16, 155 00 Praha 13-Stodůlky
Frost Logistics a.s
Overview: Refrigerated transport company. FROST Logistics a.s. offers complex transport services and optimal solutions of client needs. Long-term increase of demand has resulted in continuous quality improvement of our services and extended range of services offered. Our aim is to offer you adequate top-standard service.
Company Details and Contact Information
> Frost Logistics a.s, Jesenická 619, 252 44 Dolní Jirčany