Refrigerated Transport Companies The Netherlands

Refrigerated Transport Companies The Netherlands / Diepvriestransport Nederland

Here you can find contact information of the frozen food distributors and temperature controlled transport companies. The trucking companies below are based or have offices in The Netherlands and provide refrigerated transport services, frozen food transport throughout The Netherlands and/or Europe. All companies transport temperature controlled goods and are specialized in frozen food products transportation, distribution and cold logistics, 3PL and 4PL. Transport of frozen goods, frozen fruit, frozen fish, frozen desserts, ice cream, frozen potato products, frozen fries, frozen vegetables, frozen herbs, frozen meat products, frozen pastry products, seafood, frozen meals and snacks.

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Logo Amerongen KamphuisAmerongen Kamphuis Frozen Food Logistics

Overview: Refrigerated Transport and Cold Storage. Amerongen Kamphuis offers logistic services for a variety of temperature-controlled goods. Amerongen Kamphuis operates two fully-owned cold storage warehouses in Barneveld.

Company Details and Contact Information
> Amerongen Kamphuis, Barneveld

Logo Bakker Transport & WarehousingBakker Transport & Warehousing

Overview: Refrigerated transport company. Bakker Transport & Warehousing is an advanced logistics services provider specialized in Food Grade logistics, refrigerated, chilled, dry and frozen products transport.

Company Details and Contact Information
> Bakker Transport & Warehousing, Heerenveen

logo bidfood delixlBidfood

Overview: Leading distributor in The Netherlands with divisions across foodservice, frozen food and fresh produce.

Company Details and Contact Information
> Bidfood, HQ, Ede

Logo Bram van TuylBram van Tuyl koel- en vriestransport B.V.

Overview: National & International refrigerated transport.

Ridderstraat 9
5311 CK Gameren
The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 (0)418 573 660

Company Details and Contact Information
> Bram van Tuyl, Gameren

Logo DaskoDasko Koel- en Vriestransporten

Branch office Almelo
Bedrijvenpark Twente 341
7602 KL Almelo
The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 (0) 546 561 005


Farm Trans B.V.

Overview: National & International refrigerated transport.

Mark S. Clarkelaan 17
4761 RK Zevenbergen
The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 (0)168 393 030


Logo FrigolandaFrigolanda Cold Logistics Group

Overview: Frigolanda is an international full-service logistics company based in the Netherlands. National & International refrigerated transport. Frigolanda offers warehousing, orderpicking and Benelux distribution.

Company Details and Contact Information
> Frigolanda Cold Logistics Group, Dongen (HQ)
> Frigolanda Cold Logistics Group, Beuningen
> Frigolanda Cold Logistics Group, Oosterhout


Overview: delivers fresh-frozen food to wholesalers, retailers and large-volume users all over the Netherlands.

Prof. Zeemanweg 19,
5144 NN Waalwijk
The Netherlands

Tel.: 0031 (0) 416 567 340


Logo Heveck Vriesvers BVHeveck Vriesvers B.V.

Overview: Wholesale frozen food products, distribution, national refrigerated transport.

Brabanthaven 4
3433 PJ Nieuwegein
The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 (0)30 606 6544


Logo HSFHSF Logistics Nijmegen B.V.

Overview: Refrigerated food logistics, national and international distribution and cold storage.

Bedrijfsweg 8
6541 DC Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 (0)24 371 2222


Jansen Transport V.O.F.

Overview: Refrigerated food logistics, national and international distribution and cold storage. International transport to Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Belgium. Jansen Transport focusses on refrigerated transport with the accent on distribution of frozen and fresh products.

De Hors 1
8321 WS Urk
The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 527 680800
Fax: +31 527 680808


Logo Kivits DrunenKivits Drunen BV

Overview: Refrigerated food logistics, national and international distribution and cold storage.

Kivits Drunen BV
d’Oultremontweg 16
5154 PD

Tel.: +31 (0)416 – 37 39 48
Fax: +31 (0)416 – 37 74 79


Leen Menken Foodservice Logistics B.V.

Overview: Distribution of frozen and refrigerated products.

Chroomstraat 155
2718 RJ Zoetermeer
The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 (0)79-3634160


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