Southern Belle Refrigerated, 165 Old Salem Rd, Martin, United States
About Southern Belle Refrigerated
Cold Storage. Southern Belle Refrigerated is family owned and operated. Our family has been in the food and transportation industries for over 50 years. During that time, the less than desirable experiences dealing with other warehouses across the country led us to create Southern Belle Refrigerated to fill the customer service void in the warehousing industry. Southern Belle Refrigerated is committed to offering unparalleled customer service along with our southern-style hospitality providing you with the most pleasurable warehousing experience around. Our modern temperature controlled and fully racked facilities have the latest technologies. We offer “true blast freezing” not fans blowing air against your product. By using Southern Belle’s ‘true blast freezing, you could increase the shelf life of your product by up to 30%.
Southern Belle Refrigerated Services:
• Cold Storage
• Temperature controlled warehousing and transportation services
• Complete production support and distribution
• Import/export services
• Consolidation shipping services
• Full complement of freezing services, including blast & room freezing
• Container Loading/Unloading
• Transloading
• USDA approved facilities; bonded storage and documentation
• Order Picking
• Re-Packing
• Distribution
165 Old Salem Rd,
Martin, TN 38237,
United States
Telephone: +1 731 588 0195