Temperature Controlled Trailer & Rigid Manufacturers Belgium
Belgian Companies, Manufacturers, Brands, Dealers, Production, Locations and Plants of Refrigerated Semi-Trailers, Single & Double-Deck, Reefer, Box Trucks, Rigids, Vehicles, Vans, Custom-built Commercial Refrigerated insulated truck bodies for frozen, chilled & multi-temperature distribution with refrigeration units installed.
Carrosserie Matthys
Overview: Production, service and repair of refrigerated truck bodies.
Industriepark-Drongen I, bus 2
9031 Drongen
> Carrosserie Matthys Company Details and Contact Information
Overview: European specialist in isothermal construction. Van Dijck Merksplas is one of the largest manufacturers of refrigerated and deep-freeze bodies for trucks, semitrailers and trailers in Europe, better known under the name VéDéCar.
Kerkstraat 16
2330 Merksplas