Trinity Frozen Foods, 6064 Deep Branch Rd, Pembroke, NC 28372, USA
About Trinity Frozen Foods
Frozen Food products supplier, Frozen Sweet Potatoes. Trinity Frozen Foods, LLC (“Trinity”) makes an array of sweet potato based products including sweet potato fries, IQF diced sweet potatoes and sweet potato flour.
Trinity’s farms, growers and state of the art production facilities are located in North Carolina. Trinity’s products are third-party certified as Non-GMO, Kosher, Halal, Vegan, Allergen-Free, Gluten-Free and Organic. Trinity maintains plant certifications from FDA, USDA, AIB, ISO and is certified GFSI by BRC.
Trinity produces private label and branded lines of each of its products.
We’re a bunch of sweet potato farmers, businessmen and food service veterans who love sweet potatoes and their frozen counter parts, most specifically sweet potato fries. We were baffled by the fact that the region of the USA that grows over 50% of the sweet potatoes and is the acknowledged lead supplier of the type of sweet potato that produces the best sweet potato fry (yes, you can really tell a big difference) did not have a sweet potato fry plant. And, the sweet potato fry plants that did exist elsewhere, were typically converted versions of other older, out dated plants, thus not well suited to do justice to such a wonderful food product as a sweet potato.
We set out to fix that void and in 2013, we assembled the best known team of engineers, food service experts and food craftsmen, then we created Trinity Frozen Foods, so that our families and yours can now have sweet potato fries like they were intended to be served. Grown in the best dirt, processed in a plant designed just to make them and built by the best sweet potato craftsmen in North America.
We create, custom build and supply our frozen sweet potato products directly to food service distributors, restaurants, grocery stores and the USDA.
Trinity Frozen Foods products:
• IQF Frozen Sweet Potato
6064 Deep Branch Rd,
Pembroke, NC 28372,
United States
Telephone: +1 (855) 543-7437